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Enabling individuals and businesses to be the best they can be

Bespoke Programs


If you are planning development for your leaders and managers to help build capability or improve engagement, then we can create a program specific to your business needs. We will work with you to define what leadership means to you and make sure that its aligned to your purpose and values for your organisation.


You may only need a one day program, or you may require a module based solution that could be delivered over a number of weeks or months. Whatever works for you will work for us.


Food for thought...

Organisations are under increasing pressure to perform in difficult times, where cost savings need to be made and the political, environmental and technological landscape is ever changing. This requires individuals within any organisation to continue to develop as roles change to meet new challenges


An organisation is only as good as the people within it...and the people within all have the potential to do a better job.

According to the CIPD Learning and Development survey (2013), 72% of organisations report a deficit in management and leadership skills. There is so much literature to help us understand what leadership means but there is no agreed definition of what good leadership really looks like. The impact of a poor manager on a team, the success of a project or the ability to achieve what is needed is huge.


CIPD research suggets that people do not leave organisations, they leave their manager


Often organisations see leadership as the responsibility of the most senior people. If leadership is "the process of influencing others to understand and agree what needs to be done and how to do it and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives" (Yuki 2012) then surely isn't that the responsibility of any manager?

There is lots of research to confirm that improving employee engagement improves business performance.


This suggests organisations may need to think about how they improve the capability of managers at all levels. Couldn't you just read a book or do some research on the web? Whilst there is value in reading and applying skills that we pick up on the way, that doesn't take account of organisational context.


All organisations are unique, individual preferences will determine how people behave in certain situations and individuals will respond differently based on their own preferences. A book or 'off the shelf' development programme will give people useful tools and techniques however if they are not then able to apply these because of organisational structures or if processes and systems get in the way, there will be little return on the investment. Whatever you do to develop capability needs to take account of the organisational context or you might be setting up your leaders for a fall.

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A recipe for success!!


  • Any programme of development needs to have buy in and commitment from the top

  • Leadership skills need to be viewed as a responsibility of all managers at all levels

  • Development needs to align to an organisation's purpose and values

  • Organisations need to define what leadership means to them so that it is right for their business

  • Commitment is needed to embed learning removing any barriers that could get in the way of success

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Debbie Lowe Ltd

Leadership and Management

Training and Development

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