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Enabling individuals and businesses to be the best they can be

  • Learning priorities and L&D strategy have changed for 94% of organisations, with two in three making significant changes to what they do and how they do it.

  • Unsurprisingly, there has been a major swing to digital learning, with spend increasing on almost all areas of digital, led by content. 82% report that demand for digital learning has increased from senior stakeholders, whilst 71% have experienced an increased demand for digital learning content from learners themselves, click on the following link to see full article (fosway)





With so many changes seen now in our working methods, such as working from home and working in multiple locations, it is not always easy for teams to meet together in one place. Digital learning, using media such as Microsoft teams, can provide a solution to this, especially where teams are fragmented and training and development becomes more critical. As with all changes in our work environment it becomes challenging for teams and individuals to adapt, and strong leadership is paramount. We have worked tirelessly to develop solutions to fill these gaps.





© 2024... Debbie Lowe Limited

Debbie Lowe Ltd

Leadership and Management

Training and Development

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